Sunday, June 20, 2010

Training Address

Erika Marshall, PCT
S/c Corps de la Paix
01 B.P. 6031
Ouagadougou 01, Burkina Faso

If you are going to send me letters, please number and date them. If you are going to send me a pretty postcard, send it in an envelope, especially if it's risqué in any way. If you are going to send a package with stuff in it, and you need to clarify for customs what the contents are, just say educational materials. Please don't send anything valuable, in case it doesn't make it. Keep in mind it will take a while for me to receive any mail, and will take as long for you to receive a response from me. But you love me so much you can deal with that. :)


  1. I can't wait to send you cool stuff, like everyone else should!!!

    I miss you :(

  2. Miss you greatly! Hope you're enjoying yourself!!
